Thursday, 16 May 2013

Thursdays Bout of Books

Morning its 10.48 am and its a SUNNY DAY!!! I've already had 2 hours of my audio book, so I feel positive about the rest of the day, also today I get the house to myself for some of the afternoon so I get a chance to have some quite reading time :)
Finally my TeaPigs teas are supposed to arrive today :D After the success of Chocolate Flake Tea I have ordered some samples, though sadly just before I took a sip of the tea so I shall have to wait for another order to get some more. However hoping the new flavors will be just as tasty and give me a reading boost.
Am off to stalk other blogs to try and get to know everyone a bit better, start challenges and do some more reading, will be doing more updates later.

Here was the view on my walk this morning:

Books I've read from:  Shadow of Night by Deborah Harkness ,Dead and gone by Charlaine Harris and Guilty Pleasures by Laurell K. Hamilton
Pages read today: 85  pages and 2 hr 20 mins of audio books
Books finished today:  1
Running total:  2 books;    
Non-reading progress: I went for my morning walk which gave me audio book time :D
Menu: creme caramel tea, tuna salad
Today #insixwords: its reading book time! *theme of "its peanut butter jelly time*

1.20 pm
So today is a up and down day apparently. Am full of mixed emotions since I have FINALLY finished Dead and Gone by Charlaine Harris so I get to do my second review on the series so far, which shall be following this. Plus give got in an get 30mins of my audio book Shadow of Night by Deborah Harkness since there is no-one around that I should talk too :)

On the book front we all gravy, thought now am about to go into the depths of unknown, left of a shelf because I might read it someday. The result may mean that the next book review might not be as positive. 

However, as I mentioned earlier I have been waiting on my order of Teapigs tea, in fact I went and check the post twice before it turned up. I opened my little box all excited about the delicious-ness inside that awaited me. After my "ahhh its here, mmmmm look at the tasty tea, awww the packaging for 2 tea bags looks the same as the big boxes but smaller" moment I checked my adorable boxes against the order, and disaster stuck! One of my boxes wasn't there!!!!
Now I had a dilemma on my hands, firstly I NEVER complain, seriously never, because always working in retail/cafe type places I used to get it ALL the time and I just find it a bit unfair to who ever on the receiving  end of the rant. Secondly my mum (who I live with) ordered from them and when she opened one of her big boxes one of the tea bags had no tea inside, so she emailed them to tell them and being a amazing company they sent her another 30 tea bags and 2 samples. One of those samples (Chocolate Flake Tea) was part of the reason for my order(the other was reading Discovery of Witches made me crave fancy tea). This was only a week ago.
I have to admit I have emailed them to let them know the packet was missing, however I tried to be light hearted about it, though I am worried they will think we are trying a scam or something since two complaints from the same address in 2 weeks..........

I know this was not Bookathon related but it has been a part of my bookathon......

~Final Update~
I finally finished my book however I am unsure bout the book review, since I am thinking I might read the whole series and then do a review that way?? Basically am still thinking about it, though have the review ruffly sketched out.
I did however manage to get an extra hour of my audio book in, while cooking dinner!! YAY I feel like am making book progress.
I've Started Guilty Pleasures by Laurell K. Hamilton, though I should rephrase that, I've re-started, since I've discovered I have already read the first 20 pages but for some reason, now unknown to myself, I put it back on my book shelf :S I normally don't ever do this, and see books through to the end, as I feel like I owe it to the author, they put the time in writing it the least I can do is finish it before passing any opinion. 
So either some past/present/future Sarah did some Time walking and messed with my books or some really good book came into my possession and I weirdly stopped reading to start it and forgot.
Either way I will now try and finish it!

How everyone doing? Any Books recommended? Any flavored teas recommended? Also how do you think best to complain? Any odd reading rules?

1 comment:

  1. Derbyshire's finest! Such a lovely routine you've got, heading out to read in such a gorgeous spot every morning... :)

    That tea company is very tempting, I might have order a few samples myself at some point, see how I like them! I do like trying something a bit different every now and again. I definitely think it's okay to drop someone an email to let them know there was something wrong though - it's different sending a polite email versus ranting at someone over a counter. Helps them iron out the kinks in their service without being yelled at! :D
